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system #

Utilities for preparing and modifying OpenMM systems.


  • load_ligand

    Load a ligand from its coordinate and parameter definition.

  • load_ligands

    Load the first, and optionally second, ligand from their coordinates and

  • load_receptor

    Loads a receptor from its coordinates and optionally parameters.

  • apply_hmr

    Apply hydrogen mass repartitioning to a system.

load_ligand #

    coord_path: Path,
    param_path: Path,
    residue_name: str | None = None,
) -> AmberParm

Load a ligand from its coordinate and parameter definition.


  • coord_path (Path) –

    The path to the ligand coordinate file (.rst7 / .mol2)

  • param_path (Path) –

    The path to the ligand parameter file (.parm7)

  • residue_name (str | None, default: None ) –

    The (optional) residue name to assign to the ligand.


Source code in femto/md/
def load_ligand(
    coord_path: pathlib.Path, param_path: pathlib.Path, residue_name: str | None = None
) -> parmed.amber.AmberParm:
    """Load a ligand from its coordinate and parameter definition.

        coord_path: The path to the ligand coordinate file (.rst7 / .mol2)
        param_path: The path to the ligand parameter file (.parm7)
        residue_name: The (optional) residue name to assign to the ligand.

        The loaded ligand

    ligand = parmed.amber.AmberParm(str(param_path), str(coord_path))

    for residue in ligand.residues: = residue_name

    ligand.parm_data["RESIDUE_LABEL"] = [residue_name]

    return ligand

load_ligands #

    ligand_1_coords: Path,
    ligand_1_params: Path,
    ligand_2_coords: Path | None,
    ligand_2_params: Path | None,
) -> tuple[AmberParm, AmberParm | None]

Load the first, and optionally second, ligand from their coordinates and parameters.


  • ligand_1_coords (Path) –

    The coordinates of the first ligand.

  • ligand_1_params (Path) –

    The parameters of the first ligand.

  • ligand_2_coords (Path | None) –

    The (optional) coordinates of the second ligand.

  • ligand_2_params (Path | None) –

    The (optional) parameters of the second ligand.


Source code in femto/md/
def load_ligands(
    ligand_1_coords: pathlib.Path,
    ligand_1_params: pathlib.Path,
    ligand_2_coords: pathlib.Path | None,
    ligand_2_params: pathlib.Path | None,
) -> tuple[parmed.amber.AmberParm, parmed.amber.AmberParm | None]:
    """Load the first, and optionally second, ligand from their coordinates and

        ligand_1_coords: The coordinates of the first ligand.
        ligand_1_params: The parameters of the first ligand.
        ligand_2_coords: The (optional) coordinates of the second ligand.
        ligand_2_params: The (optional) parameters of the second ligand.

        The loaded ligands.

    assert (ligand_2_params is None and ligand_2_coords is None) or (
        ligand_2_params is not None and ligand_2_coords is not None
    ), "both or neither of ligand_2_coords and ligand_2_params must be provided"

    ligand_1 = load_ligand(ligand_1_coords, ligand_1_params, LIGAND_1_RESIDUE_NAME)

    if ligand_2_coords is None:
        return ligand_1, None

    ligand_2 = load_ligand(ligand_2_coords, ligand_2_params, LIGAND_2_RESIDUE_NAME)

    return ligand_1, ligand_2

load_receptor #

    coord_path: Path,
    param_path: Path | None,
    tleap_sources: list[str] | None = None,
) -> AmberParm

Loads a receptor from its coordinates and optionally parameters.

If no parameters are provided, the receptor will be parameterized using tLeap.


  • coord_path (Path) –

    The coordinates of the receptor.

  • param_path (Path | None) –

    The parameters of the receptor.

  • tleap_sources (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    The tLeap sources to use to parameterize the receptor. See for the defaults.


Source code in femto/md/
def load_receptor(
    coord_path: pathlib.Path,
    param_path: pathlib.Path | None,
    tleap_sources: list[str] | None = None,
) -> parmed.amber.AmberParm:
    """Loads a receptor from its coordinates and optionally parameters.

    If no parameters are provided, the receptor will be parameterized using tLeap.

        coord_path: The coordinates of the receptor.
        param_path: The parameters of the receptor.
        tleap_sources: The tLeap sources to use to parameterize the receptor.
            See ```` for the defaults.

        The loaded receptor.
    tleap_sources = (
        if tleap_sources is None
        else tleap_sources

    if param_path is not None:
        return parmed.amber.AmberParm(str(param_path), str(coord_path))

    receptor = parmed.load_file(str(coord_path), structure=True)
        f"no receptor parameters provided, the receptor will parameterize using "
        f"tLeap: {tleap_sources}"
    return, tleap_sources)

apply_hmr #

    system: System,
    topology: Structure,
    hydrogen_mass: Quantity = 1.5 * openmm.unit.amu,

Apply hydrogen mass repartitioning to a system.


  • system (System) –

    The system to modify in-place.

  • topology (Structure) –

    The topology of the system.

  • hydrogen_mass (Quantity, default: 1.5 * amu ) –

    The mass to use ofr hydrogen atoms.

Source code in femto/md/
def apply_hmr(
    system: openmm.System,
    topology: parmed.Structure,
    hydrogen_mass: openmm.unit.Quantity = 1.5 * openmm.unit.amu,
    """Apply hydrogen mass repartitioning to a system.

        system: The system to modify in-place.
        topology: The topology of the system.
        hydrogen_mass: The mass to use ofr hydrogen atoms.

    for bond in topology.bonds:
        atom_1, atom_2 = bond.atom1, bond.atom2

        if atom_1.atomic_number == 1:
            (atom_1, atom_2) = (atom_2, atom_1)

        if atom_2.atomic_number != 1:
        if atom_1.atomic_number == 1:

        elements = sorted(a.atomic_number for a in atom_2.residue.atoms)

        if elements == [1, 1, 8]:

        mass_delta = hydrogen_mass - system.getParticleMass(atom_2.idx)

        system.setParticleMass(atom_2.idx, hydrogen_mass)
            atom_1.idx, system.getParticleMass(atom_1.idx) - mass_delta