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reference #

Utilities for automatically selecting 'reference' atoms for alignment.


  • queries_to_idxs

    Find the indices of those atoms matched by a set of AMBER style reference atom

  • select_ligand_idxs

    Returns the indices of the reference atoms that may be used to align ligands.

  • select_receptor_idxs

    Select possible protein atoms for Boresch-style restraints using the method

  • check_receptor_idxs

    Check if the specified receptor atoms meet the criteria for use in Boresch-style

  • select_protein_cavity_atoms

    Select the alpha carbon atoms that define the binding cavity of the protein based

queries_to_idxs #

    structure: Structure, queries: Iterable[str]
) -> tuple[int, ...]

Find the indices of those atoms matched by a set of AMBER style reference atom queries.


  • structure (Structure) –

    The ligand to query.

  • queries (Iterable[str]) –

    The amber style selection queries.


  • tuple[int, ...]

    The indices of the matched atoms.

Source code in femto/fe/
def queries_to_idxs(
    structure: parmed.Structure, queries: typing.Iterable[str]
) -> tuple[int, ...]:
    """Find the indices of those atoms matched by a set of AMBER style reference atom

        structure: The ligand to query.
        queries: The amber style selection queries.

        The indices of the matched atoms.
    ref_idxs = []

    for query in queries:
        mask = parmed.amber.AmberMask(structure, query).Selection()
        mask_idxs = tuple(i for i, matches in enumerate(mask) if matches)

        if len(mask_idxs) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{query} matched {len(mask_idxs)} atoms while exactly 1 atom was "


    return tuple(ref_idxs)

select_ligand_idxs #

    ligand_1: AmberParm,
    ligand_2: AmberParm | None,
    method: LigandReferenceMethod,
    ligand_1_queries: tuple[str, str, str] | None = None,
    ligand_2_queries: tuple[str, str, str] | None = None,
) -> tuple[
    tuple[int, int, int], tuple[int, int, int] | None

Returns the indices of the reference atoms that may be used to align ligands.

  • Some methods, e.g. chen, select reference atoms based on the two ligands meaning they can only be used in RBFE calculations, whereas others, e.g. baumann, select reference atoms based on a single ligand.


  • ligand_1 (AmberParm) –

    The first ligand.

  • ligand_2 (AmberParm | None) –

    The second ligand.

  • method (LigandReferenceMethod) –

    The method to use to select the reference atoms if none are specified.

  • ligand_1_queries (tuple[str, str, str] | None, default: None ) –

    Three (optional) AMBER style queries to use to manually select atoms from the first ligand.

  • ligand_2_queries (tuple[str, str, str] | None, default: None ) –

    Three (optional) AMBER style queries to use to manually select atoms from the second ligand


  • tuple[tuple[int, int, int], tuple[int, int, int] | None]

    The indices of the first and second ligand respectively. No offset is applied to the second ligand indices so a query of "@1" would yield 0 rather than n_ligand_1_atoms.

Source code in femto/fe/
def select_ligand_idxs(
    ligand_1: parmed.amber.AmberParm,
    ligand_2: parmed.amber.AmberParm | None,
    method: femto.fe.config.LigandReferenceMethod,
    ligand_1_queries: tuple[str, str, str] | None = None,
    ligand_2_queries: tuple[str, str, str] | None = None,
) -> tuple[tuple[int, int, int], tuple[int, int, int] | None]:
    """Returns the indices of the reference atoms that may be used to align ligands.

        * Some methods, e.g. ``chen``, select reference atoms based on the two ligands
          meaning they can only be used in RBFE calculations, whereas others, e.g.
          ``baumann``, select reference atoms based on a single ligand.

        ligand_1: The first ligand.
        ligand_2: The second ligand.
        method: The method to use to select the reference atoms if none are specified.
        ligand_1_queries: Three (optional) AMBER style queries to use to manually
            select atoms from the first ligand.
        ligand_2_queries: Three (optional) AMBER style queries to use to manually
            select atoms from the second ligand

        The indices of the first and second ligand respectively. No offset is applied
        to the second ligand indices so a query of ``"@1"`` would yield ``0`` rather
        than ``n_ligand_1_atoms``.
    if ligand_1_queries is None or (ligand_2 is not None and ligand_2_queries is None):"selecting ligand reference atoms")

        ligand_queries = _create_ligand_queries(ligand_1, ligand_2, method)

        if ligand_1_queries is None:
            ligand_1_queries = ligand_queries[0]
        if ligand_2_queries is None and ligand_2 is not None:
            ligand_2_queries = ligand_queries[1]"ligand 1 ref queries={ligand_1_queries}")"ligand 2 ref queries={ligand_2_queries}")

    ligand_1_idxs = queries_to_idxs(ligand_1, ligand_1_queries)"ligand 1 ref idxs={ligand_1_idxs}")

    if ligand_2 is not None:
        ligand_2_idxs = queries_to_idxs(ligand_2, ligand_2_queries)"ligand 2 ref idxs={ligand_2_idxs}")
        ligand_2_idxs = None

    return ligand_1_idxs, ligand_2_idxs

select_receptor_idxs #

    receptor: Structure | Trajectory,
    ligand: Structure | Trajectory,
    ligand_ref_idxs: tuple[int, int, int],
) -> tuple[int, int, int]

Select possible protein atoms for Boresch-style restraints using the method outlined by Baumann et al [1].


[1] Baumann, Hannah M., et al. "Broadening the scope of binding free energy calculations using a Separated Topologies approach." (2023).


  • receptor (Structure | Trajectory) –

    The receptor structure.

  • ligand (Structure | Trajectory) –

    The ligand structure.

  • ligand_ref_idxs (tuple[int, int, int]) –

    The indices of the three ligands atoms that will be restrained.


  • tuple[int, int, int]

    The indices of the three atoms to use for the restraint

Source code in femto/fe/
def select_receptor_idxs(
    receptor: parmed.Structure | mdtraj.Trajectory,
    ligand: parmed.Structure | mdtraj.Trajectory,
    ligand_ref_idxs: tuple[int, int, int],
) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
    """Select possible protein atoms for Boresch-style restraints using the method
    outlined by Baumann et al [1].

        [1] Baumann, Hannah M., et al. "Broadening the scope of binding free energy
            calculations using a Separated Topologies approach." (2023).

        receptor: The receptor structure.
        ligand: The ligand structure.
        ligand_ref_idxs: The indices of the three ligands atoms that will be restrained.

        The indices of the three atoms to use for the restraint
    if not (isinstance(receptor, type(ligand)) or isinstance(ligand, type(receptor))):
        raise ValueError("receptor and ligand must be the same type")

    if isinstance(receptor, parmed.Structure) and isinstance(ligand, parmed.Structure):
        receptor = _structure_to_mdtraj(receptor)
        ligand = _structure_to_mdtraj(ligand)

    assert (
        receptor.n_frames == ligand.n_frames
    ), "receptor and ligand must have the same number of frames"

    receptor_idxs = _filter_receptor_atoms(receptor, ligand, ligand_ref_idxs[0])

    valid_r1_idxs = [
        for idx in receptor_idxs
        if _is_valid_r1(receptor, idx, ligand, ligand_ref_idxs)

    found_r1, found_r2 = next(
            (r1, r2)
            for r1 in valid_r1_idxs
            for r2 in receptor_idxs
            if _is_valid_r2(receptor, r2, r1, ligand, ligand_ref_idxs)

    if found_r1 is None or found_r2 is None:
        raise ValueError("could not find valid R1 / R2 atoms")

    valid_r3_idxs = [
        for idx in receptor_idxs
        if _is_valid_r3(receptor, idx, found_r1, found_r2, ligand, ligand_ref_idxs)

    if len(valid_r3_idxs) == 0:
        raise ValueError("could not find a valid R3 atom")

    r3_distances_per_frame = []

    for frame_r, frame_l in zip(,, strict=True):
        r3_r_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
            frame_r[valid_r3_idxs, :], frame_r[[found_r1, found_r2], :]
        r3_l_distances = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
            frame_r[valid_r3_idxs, :], frame_l[[ligand_ref_idxs[0]], :]

        r3_distances_per_frame.append(numpy.hstack([r3_r_distances, r3_l_distances]))

    # chosen to match the SepTop reference implementation at commit 3705ba5
    max_distance = 0.8 * (receptor.unitcell_lengths.mean(axis=0).min(axis=-1) / 2)

    r3_distances_avg = numpy.stack(r3_distances_per_frame).mean(axis=0)

    max_distance_mask = r3_distances_avg.max(axis=-1) < max_distance
    r3_distances_avg = r3_distances_avg[max_distance_mask]

    valid_r3_idxs = numpy.array(valid_r3_idxs)[max_distance_mask].tolist()

    r3_distances_prod = r3_distances_avg[:, 0] * r3_distances_avg[:, 1]
    found_r3 = valid_r3_idxs[r3_distances_prod.argmax()]

    return found_r1, found_r2, found_r3

check_receptor_idxs #

    receptor: Structure | Trajectory,
    receptor_idxs: tuple[int, int, int],
    ligand: Structure | Trajectory,
    ligand_ref_idxs: tuple[int, int, int],
) -> bool

Check if the specified receptor atoms meet the criteria for use in Boresch-style restraints as defined by Baumann et al [1].


[1] Baumann, Hannah M., et al. "Broadening the scope of binding free energy calculations using a Separated Topologies approach." (2023).


  • receptor (Structure | Trajectory) –

    The receptor structure.

  • receptor_idxs (tuple[int, int, int]) –

    The indices of the three receptor atoms that will be restrained.

  • ligand (Structure | Trajectory) –

    The ligand structure.

  • ligand_ref_idxs (tuple[int, int, int]) –

    The indices of the three ligand atoms that will be restrained.


  • bool

    True if the atoms meet the criteria, False otherwise.

Source code in femto/fe/
def check_receptor_idxs(
    receptor: parmed.Structure | mdtraj.Trajectory,
    receptor_idxs: tuple[int, int, int],
    ligand: parmed.Structure | mdtraj.Trajectory,
    ligand_ref_idxs: tuple[int, int, int],
) -> bool:
    """Check if the specified receptor atoms meet the criteria for use in Boresch-style
    restraints as defined by Baumann et al [1].

        [1] Baumann, Hannah M., et al. "Broadening the scope of binding free energy
            calculations using a Separated Topologies approach." (2023).

        receptor: The receptor structure.
        receptor_idxs: The indices of the three receptor atoms that will be restrained.
        ligand: The ligand structure.
        ligand_ref_idxs: The indices of the three ligand atoms that will be restrained.

        True if the atoms meet the criteria, False otherwise.
    if not (isinstance(receptor, type(ligand)) or isinstance(ligand, type(receptor))):
        raise ValueError("receptor and ligand must be the same type")

    if isinstance(receptor, parmed.Structure) and isinstance(ligand, parmed.Structure):
        receptor = _structure_to_mdtraj(receptor)
        ligand = _structure_to_mdtraj(ligand)

    assert (
        receptor.n_frames == ligand.n_frames
    ), "receptor and ligand must have the same number of frames"

    r1, r2, r3 = receptor_idxs

    is_valid_r1 = _is_valid_r1(receptor, r1, ligand, ligand_ref_idxs)
    is_valid_r2 = _is_valid_r2(receptor, r2, r1, ligand, ligand_ref_idxs)
    is_valid_r3 = _is_valid_r3(receptor, r3, r1, r2, ligand, ligand_ref_idxs)

    r3_distances_per_frame = [
        scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(frame[[r3], :], frame[[r1, r2], :])
        for frame in
    r3_distance_avg = numpy.stack(r3_distances_per_frame).mean(axis=0)

    max_distance = 0.8 * (receptor.unitcell_lengths[-1][0] / 2)
    is_valid_distance = r3_distance_avg.max(axis=-1) < max_distance

    return is_valid_r1 and is_valid_r2 and is_valid_r3 and is_valid_distance

select_protein_cavity_atoms #

    protein: Structure,
    ligands: list[Structure],
    cutoff: Quantity,
) -> str

Select the alpha carbon atoms that define the binding cavity of the protein based on their distance to ligand atoms.


  • protein (Structure) –

    The protein.

  • ligands (list[Structure]) –

    The ligands to consider.

  • cutoff (Quantity) –

    Residues further than this distance from a ligand will be excluded.


  • str

    The AMBER style query that will select the reference atoms of the protein.

Source code in femto/fe/
def select_protein_cavity_atoms(
    protein: parmed.Structure,
    ligands: list[parmed.Structure],
    cutoff: openmm.unit.Quantity,
) -> str:
    """Select the alpha carbon atoms that define the binding cavity of the protein based
    on their distance to ligand atoms.

        protein: The protein.
        ligands: The ligands to consider.
        cutoff: Residues further than this distance from a ligand will be excluded.

        The AMBER style query that will select the reference atoms of the protein.

    ref_atoms = []

    for residue in protein.residues:
        if (
            sorted(a.element for a in residue.atoms) == [1, 1, 8]
            # a bit of a hack to check for ions.
            or len(residue.atoms) == 1

        c_alpha_idxs = [a.idx for a in residue.atoms if == "CA"]

        if len(c_alpha_idxs) < 1:


    protein_coords = numpy.array(protein.coordinates)[ref_atoms, :]

    cutoff = cutoff.value_in_unit(openmm.unit.angstrom)

    is_reference = numpy.array([False] * len(ref_atoms))

    for ligand in ligands:
        ligand_coords = numpy.array(ligand.coordinates)

        distances = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(protein_coords, ligand_coords)
        is_reference = is_reference | (distances < cutoff).any(axis=1)

    n_atoms = is_reference.sum()

    if n_atoms < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Could not find the protein binding site reference atoms.")

    ref_mask = "@" + ",".join(
        str(i + 1) for i, keep in zip(ref_atoms, is_reference, strict=True) if keep
    return ref_mask