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config #

Common configuration models.


  • FEP

    Configure modifying a system to be scalable by FEP lambdas.

  • Edge

    Defines a basic edge in a free energy network.

  • Network

    Defines a basic free energy network.




The default temperature to begin annealing from during equilibration

LigandReferenceMethod module-attribute #

LigandReferenceMethod = Literal['chen', 'baumann']

The method to use when automatically selecting ligand atoms to use in alignment restraints.

FEP pydantic-model #

Bases: BaseModel

Configure modifying a system to be scalable by FEP lambdas.


scale_vdw pydantic-field #

scale_vdw: bool = True

Whether to scale the vdW non-bonded interactions.

scale_charges pydantic-field #

scale_charges: bool = True

Whether to scale the electrostatic non-bonded interactions.

ligands_can_interact pydantic-field #

ligands_can_interact: bool = False

Whether ligands are allowed to interact with each other.

Edge pydantic-model #

Bases: BaseModel

Defines a basic edge in a free energy network.


ligand_1 pydantic-field #

ligand_1: str

The name of the first ligand.

ligand_2 pydantic-field #

ligand_2: str | None

The name of the second ligand. This should be None if running an ABFE calculation.

ligand_1_metadata pydantic-field #

ligand_1_metadata: dict[str, Any]

Any additional metadata about ligand 1.

ligand_2_metadata pydantic-field #

ligand_2_metadata: dict[str, Any]

Any additional metadata about ligand 2.

Network pydantic-model #

Bases: BaseModel

Defines a basic free energy network.


receptor pydantic-field #

receptor: str | None = None

The name of the receptor. If None, the receptor will be identified from the input directory structure

edges pydantic-field #

edges: list[Edge]

The edges in the free energy network.

receptor_metadata pydantic-field #

receptor_metadata: dict[str, Any]

Any additional metadata about the receptor.