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ddg #

Estimate ddG values from sampled data.


  • load_u_kn

    Loads the reduced potentials from a replica exchange sampler output file and

  • estimate_ddg

    Estimate the free energy change for each group of states as well as the total

load_u_kn #

load_u_kn(results_path: Path) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Loads the reduced potentials from a replica exchange sampler output file and re-orders / de-correlates them into a form acceptable by MBAR.


Samples will be de-correlated using the pymbar.timeseries module.


  • results_path (Path) –

    The path to the arrow replica exchange output file.


  • tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

    The loaded u_kn and n_k arrays.

Source code in femto/fe/
def load_u_kn(results_path: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
    """Loads the reduced potentials from a replica exchange sampler output file and
    re-orders / de-correlates them into a form acceptable by MBAR.

        Samples will be de-correlated using the ``pymbar.timeseries`` module.

        results_path: The path to the arrow replica exchange output file.

        The loaded ``u_kn`` and ``n_k`` arrays.
    import pymbar.timeseries

    with pyarrow.OSFile(str(results_path), "rb") as file:
        with pyarrow.RecordBatchStreamReader(file) as reader:
            output_table = reader.read_all()

    replica_to_state_idx = numpy.hstack(
        [numpy.array(x) for x in output_table["replica_to_state_idx"].to_pylist()]

    # group the data along axis 1 so that data sampled in the same state is grouped.
    # this will let us more easily de-correlate the data.
    u_kn = numpy.hstack([numpy.array(x) for x in output_table["u_kn"].to_pylist()])
    u_kn_per_k = [u_kn[:, replica_to_state_idx == i] for i in range(len(u_kn))]

    n_uncorrelated = u_kn.shape[1] // u_kn.shape[0]

    g = pymbar.timeseries.statistical_inefficiency_multiple(
            u_kn_per_k[i][i, i * n_uncorrelated : (i + 1) * n_uncorrelated]
            for i in range(len(u_kn))
    uncorrelated_frames = _uncorrelated_frames(n_uncorrelated, g)

    for state_idx, state_u_kn in enumerate(u_kn_per_k):
        u_kn_per_k[state_idx] = state_u_kn[:, uncorrelated_frames]

    u_kn = numpy.hstack(u_kn_per_k)
    n_k = numpy.array([len(uncorrelated_frames)] * u_kn.shape[0])

    return u_kn, n_k

estimate_ddg #

    u_kn: ndarray,
    n_k: ndarray,
    temperature: Quantity,
    state_groups: list[tuple[int, float]] | None = None,
) -> tuple[dict[str, float], dict[str, ndarray]]

Estimate the free energy change for each group of states as well as the total free energy change.


  • u_kn (ndarray) –

    The reduced potentials.

  • n_k (ndarray) –

    The number of samples per state.

  • temperature (Quantity) –

    The temperature at which the samples were collected.

  • state_groups (list[tuple[int, float]] | None, default: None ) –

    If certain states should be grouped together (e.g. leg 1 and leg 2 in ATM), this should be a list of tuples containing the number of states belonging to each group as well as the multiplier to use when summing the total free energy.


  • tuple[dict[str, float], dict[str, ndarray]]

    The free energy estimates and the overlap matrices.

Source code in femto/fe/
def estimate_ddg(
    u_kn: numpy.ndarray,
    n_k: numpy.ndarray,
    temperature: openmm.unit.Quantity,
    state_groups: list[tuple[int, float]] | None = None,
) -> tuple[dict[str, float], dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]:
    """Estimate the free energy change for each group of states as well as the total
    free energy change.

        u_kn: The reduced potentials.
        n_k: The number of samples per state.
        temperature: The temperature at which the samples were collected.
        state_groups: If certain states should be grouped together (e.g. leg 1 and
            leg 2 in ATM), this should be a list of tuples containing the number of
            states belonging to each group as well as the multiplier to use when
            summing the total free energy.

        The free energy estimates and the overlap matrices.
    beta = 1.0 / (openmm.unit.MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_R * temperature)

    state_idx = 0
    sample_idx = 0

    total_ddg = 0.0
    total_ddg_error = 0.0

    estimates = {}
    overlaps = {}

    state_groups = state_groups if state_groups is not None else [(len(n_k), 1.0)]

    for group_idx, (n_states, factor) in enumerate(state_groups):
        group_n_k = n_k[state_idx : state_idx + n_states]
        group_u_kn = u_kn[
            state_idx : state_idx + n_states, sample_idx : sample_idx + group_n_k.sum()

        f_i, f_i_variance, weights = _estimate_f_i(group_u_kn, group_n_k)
        overlaps[f"overlap_{group_idx}"] = group_n_k * (weights.T @ weights)

        ddg = (f_i[-1] - f_i[0]) / beta
        ddg = float(ddg.value_in_unit(openmm.unit.kilocalorie_per_mole))

        ddg_error = numpy.sqrt(f_i_variance[-1] + f_i_variance[0]) / beta
        ddg_error = float(ddg_error.value_in_unit(openmm.unit.kilocalorie_per_mole))

        total_ddg += factor * ddg
        total_ddg_error += ddg_error**2

        state_idx += n_states
        sample_idx += group_n_k.sum()

        estimates[f"ddG_{group_idx}_kcal_mol"] = ddg
        estimates[f"ddG_{group_idx}_error_kcal_mol"] = ddg_error

    total_ddg_error = numpy.sqrt(total_ddg_error)

    estimates["ddG_kcal_mol"] = total_ddg
    estimates["ddG_error_kcal_mol"] = total_ddg_error

    return estimates, overlaps