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Migration Guide#

This document outlines the major API and behaviour changes made to the femto codebase between versions, and provides guidance on how to update your code to the latest version.

From pre 0.3.0 to 0.3.0#

The femto codebase was re-written to completely remove the dependency on parmed, allowing easy use of any force field in OpenFF, Amber, and OpenMM FFXML formats. This re-write also introduced a number of neccessary API changes.

Behaviour Changes#


  • Atom selection should now be performed using the PyMol atom selection language. This is more powerful and flexible than the previous Amber atom selection language, but may require some changes to your configuration files. Amber atom selection is currently still supported, but will be removed in a future version.
  • Parameterization is now performed by openmmforcefields rather than a combination of parmed and tleap. This allows for more flexibility in the force fields that can be used, and should give near identical parameters to those from tleap.
  • Ligand force field parameters no longer need to be provided. The configuration now exposes a default_ligand_ff field that can be used to automatically parameterize ligands with an OpenFF based force field.
  • HREMD now correctly stores coordinates in checkpoint files as coords[i] = replica_i_coords rather than coords[i] = state_i_coords. Checkpoints from previous versions will likely be incorrect.
  • Trajectories and sample files are now correctly truncated when restarting from a checkpoint file.


  • The force constant of P1−L1−L2 angle in SepTop Boresch-style restraints is now also scaled based on the P1-L1 distance by default to improve stability.
  • The solution phase of SepTop calculations now has a properly padded box when two ligands are present.
  • Support has been added for co-factors, and force fields with virtual sites.

API Changes#

  • parmed.Structure is no longer used to store topological information. Instead, mdtop.Topology is used. See the mdtop documentation for more information.
  • has been renamed to to better reflect that it is used to more generally configure the system for simulation, not just solvation.
  • The tleap_sources field of the old configuration has been replaced by, which now stores the paths to OpenMM force field XML files. See openmmforcefields for details.
  • A new default_ligand_ff field has been added to This will accept the name / path to an OpenFF force field (e.g. 'openff-2.0.0.offxml') to use to automatically parameterize ligands.
  • The and modules have been combined into a single module.
  • The function has been replaced by the function. The syntax is similar, but now also accepts cofactors, and an optional list of force field files to use for the receptor, ligand, cofactors, and solvent / ions.